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Between Humans and Animals

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Nature around Uluru
Nature around Uluru Discover through this post, the nature around Uluru composed by a typical and impressive...
Borneo - aerial view
Borneo, its deforestation and its palm oil
Borneo, its deforestation and its palm oil  A region that suffocates © Canva – Plam oil plantation...
OriginsEarth_1675 - Site web
Nature in Bali and its environmental issues
Nature in Bali and its environmental issues Where is situated Bali? When you say to somebody you are...

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Reading Time: 7 minutes Maya Bay in Thailand    Photo by Ocean Quest© Ao Maya or Maya Bay was made famous by the movie The Beach starring Leonardo DiCaprio

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The Whitsundays islands in Australia

The Whitsundays Islands

Reading Time: 5 minutes The Whitsundays Islands The Whitsundays are a group of 74 islands situated on the coast of the Queensland in Australia and are part of the

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Nature around Uluru

Reading Time: 5 minutes Nature around Uluru Discover through this post, the nature around Uluru composed by a typical and impressive desert’s fauna and flora. Uluru Uluru which is

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Ang Thong Marine National Park

Reading Time: 3 minutes  Ang Thong Marine National Park During my trip to Thailand I visited this wonderful Ang Thong Marine National Park. I really loved this protected archipelago

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Coral reefs and their issues

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Enter the fascinating world of the Planet Earth by discovering the different ecosystems that it abounds, how they function to understand their importance in maintaining biodiversity. This way, you will be able, in turn, to take action at your level to preserve these ecosystems. 

We offer you articles on ecosystems and the problems they face as well as articles on environmental projects.

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Eco lifestyle

Sustainable travel

Reading Time: 4 minutes Sustainable travel   In recent years, mass tourism has dominated the tourism sector and is still very much present. We see this mainly in the