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The Falcon of the Desert of the United Arab Emirates
The origins of the article While I was in the United Arab Emirates, in December 2019, I decided to book...
Le projet de réhabilitation des tortues de Dubaï et une de leurs piscines où ils mettent les tortues marines pour les soigner
The Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project
The Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project This Project has been holding since 2004 in Dubai with a small...
Your eco suitcase
Your eco suitcase Travelling in an eco-responsible way starts with packing your suitcase or rucksack....

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Your eco suitcase

Reading Time: 4 minutesYour eco suitcase Travelling in an eco-responsible way starts with packing your suitcase or rucksack. It’s never easy to pack because we tend to want

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Sustainable travel

Reading Time: 4 minutesSustainable travel   In recent years, mass tourism has dominated the tourism sector and is still very much present. We see this mainly in the

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Thaïlande - Grand palais royal

Grand Palace in Bangkok

Reading Time: 2 minutesDiscovering the… Grand Palace in Bangkok   If there is a monument to visit during a stay in Bangkok, it is the Grand Palace. A

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Samui Elephant Sanctuary

Reading Time: 4 minutesSamui Elephant Sanctuary Last September 2018, I was in Thailand. In Ko Samui, I discovered through the Internet that they had opened a sanctuary on

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We are convinced that responsible tourism is the future of tourism in the world. 


With our articles, we want to create the desire to travel in an eco-responsible way but also to help our travelers to choose hotels, or eco-responsible activities. 


Because travelling in a sustainable way is a completely different way of travelling that requires us to change our habits.


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Eco lifestyle

Your eco suitcase

Reading Time: 4 minutesYour eco suitcase Travelling in an eco-responsible way starts with packing your suitcase or rucksack. It’s never easy to pack because we tend to want